We have had an excellent day today at Hyrstmount Junior School. The children have been busy making backgrounds for their animation set, along with finishing off the cardboard characters that they started yesterday. For the backgrounds the children have designed intricately patterned fields, trees, hills and flowers which look fantastic.
First of all they designed their backgrounds on big sheets of card and used black berol pens to fill in the detail......
Then the children put a wash of water over their pen lines to create a lovely painterly effect.
In the afternoon we began to build the set and place the characters ready for the start of the animation tomorrow. The sets and the characters look wonderful!
At the end of the day the children wrote diary extracts, reflecting on their day. Here are some of their comments...
"Today I had a great time. We designed patterns for the fields and water washed them."
"Today I made a fabulous hill with spots and stripes on. It was amazing. I loved it and had a brilliant time!"
"I made some robins and wet them. Then with the pen I drew white posca lines around the robin. I also drew a badger and a tree."
"Today I went to the mobile classroom and I drew on the tree. It was so good!