Monday, 16 September 2013

Return to Littletown

I am really happy to be following up the amazing iCollaborate project this week with a four day project working within the Early Years setting at Littletown J.I.N School. I am working with the group of boys I first worked with before the summer, along with some of the new starters in both Nursery and Reception.... Today started with an introduction to the 'automatic hat technique', quickly followed with an intense session of drawing, the fruits of which will inform a pair of large scale printed panels to be installed in the school playground. I look forward to what the coming days have in store!
The Automatic Hat Technique

The Automatic Hat Technique - continued

The start of something BIG!

Adventurous Marks

Brush pen textures
Playground Scenes - lovely collaborative compositions

More Collaborative drawing

And more!

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